Ancient Flavors of Campania - The dispenza

The pantry

The pantry of ancient Campania flavors, local and artisanal products, pasta, meats, biscuits and everything that can be kept in the pantry.

Homemade mixed citrus jam
VAT included
The mixed citrus jam is produced with selected untreated citrus fruits from the inland areas of the Amalfi coast. The processing is completely manual, so as not to have an oxidation of the product and to obtain candied chunks after cooking. The production is linked to the seasonality that goes from January to the end of March, it is in this period that the lemons offer the best of organoleptic properties making the jam truly unique. Very fresh to the taste, this jam is excellent for making tasty breakfasts to fill sweets or pies, refined to offer for the five o'clock tea together with petit beurre, it goes well with aged cheeses, sheep's milk ricotta and blue cheeses.
Wholemeal Freselline
VAT included
Freselle are slices of durum wheat or wholemeal toasted bread. Much appreciated in Campania and in other regions of southern Italy. They are served after having softened them with water and generally seasoned with tomato, salt, olive oil, basil or oregano.
Antipasto in olio extravergine di oliva
VAT included
After a careful selection of each raw material, all MAIDA products are handcrafted and without the addition of preservatives or additives, in compliance with ancient peasant recipes. The ingredients come from controlled organic cultivation, in compliance with the strictest regulations on the subject, and the production is regulated on the seasonality of fruit and vegetables.
Homemade orange marmalade with rum and cinnamon
VAT included
La marmellata di arance con rum e cannella è prodotta con agrumi selezionati non trattati, provenienti dalla zona interna della costiera amalfitana La lavorazione delle arance è completamente manuale, in modo da non avere un’ossidazione del prodotto e ottenere le zeste di dimensioni tali da risultare candite dopo la cottura.La produzione è legata alla stagionalità che va da gennaio a fine marzo, è in questo periodo che gli agrumi offrono il meglio delle proprietà organolettiche rendendo questa marmellata davvero unica. Oltre al classico uso da prima colazione, si può abbinare con  formaggi stagionati  dal sapore intenso, anche pecorini, ma trova la sua esaltazione spalmata su piccola pasticceria al burro da accompagnare ad un corposo tè nero cinese.