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Spicy sausage
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Seasoned product obtained from the transformation of pork. It is produced exclusively from cuts such as boned and denervated shoulder, shoulder, bacon and minced hams from pigs born, reared and slaughtered in Italy. The medium-coarse-grained dough is embellished with wild fennel and small flakes of sweet and spicy chilli. The mixture is stuffed into natural pork casings.
Fusilli al Ferretto
VAT included
Fusilli al ferretto - Pasta di semola di grano duro - Seguiamo un progetto di filiera controllata e certificata dalla forte impronta territoriale che garantisce la genuinità e l'origine locale dei grani macinati. Il grano coltivato, raccolto e macinato in loco, dà origine a farine e semole della terra in cui sono nate.
Composta di fichi neri al cioccolato fondente e rum
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When we talk about compote we are talking about a product that has a very high concentration of fruit and a lower quantity of sugars. The artisanal black fig compote with chocolate and rum is produced with figs grown in a completely natural way, without the use of any type of pesticide. The production is linked to the seasonality that goes from June to September, but it is at the end of September that the figs offer the best of organoleptic properties and maximum sweetness making this product truly unique.